Time For Fun!

A typical day at dynaMIT begins with fun ice-breaker games to get to know everyone and get the laughter going! This is followed by short presentations that introduce the day's concepts. Afterwards, students and mentors work in groups on activities, which include shorter experiments and challenges that often require hands-on building and teamwork. Each day's activities usually revolve around a single topic area in STEM. Topics taught vary from year to year but some past examples include: electricity and magnetism, polymers and materials, and forensics. Each week, there is also a capstone project, which incorporates basic coding and programming skills that the students work on with their mentors. Every day, students will dedicate an hour or two to work on their project. At the end of the week, the students are eager to show their parents what they have worked on. At MIT, we work hard and play hard. Break time is a favorite for students and mentors alike. Together they relax under the sun and play games such as tag or soccer in the quads near the iconic Stata Center.